How To Start a Blog in 2020 and Make Money?

How To Make Money Blogging: Step By Step Article
If you are serious about making money as a blogger then read this article to the end.
And if you have any skepticism about starting a blog in 2020 because you think her are too many…
People read blogs to have a different take on a certain issue. People want to read different opinions.
Just think about how many Youtube Video Reviews you watch about a movie.
You don’t just watch one review, you watch different reviews to hear what others are saying or feeling about that movie.
And likewise is the same for a blog.
The chances that your blog will be successful is a 50% chance.
50% you can succeed and 50% that you will fail.
But there is a 100% chance you will fail if you do not start.
Stop complaining — because the same energy you give to go to a place you HATE can be the same energy you use to GET OUT OF THAT PLACE.

Trust me…I know.
Researching A Topic
The most important thing when starting a blog is knowing what you want to blog about.
Now, I know many will tell you to blog about something you have a passion for.
And I say, yes do that.
My biggest blog I own was a blog that was meant to be more of a place just to rant and rave about a certain issue in society.
However, it blew up beyond my wildest dreams.
(The niche of course I will not be divulging here as very few people blog about it in a way I do).
But after doing research, after doing my post, I saw it delved in one of three of the major niches that everyone is always talking about.
The three major niches you should focus on are:
  • Health
  • Finances
  • Romance
Everyone has health issues – that will almost always be an issue for some people.
Finances – almost everyone we come across today wants to ear how to make money online. Tell me I am wrong, you are reading this aren’t you.
And lastly romance – relationship are almost much of a necessity as food and housing are for some. People need connection with other people.
Niching Down On Your Niche
After finding the niche you want to work in, you will want to niche down.
Let’s say you want to promote “How To Play Basketball” what you will want to do is break down what a person needs to develop to play basketball.
A person will need to learn how to:
  • dribble
  • jump
  • have court awareness
Knowing the skills a person will need to develop will be able to help you gather as much knowledge associated in this filed and thus make you the authority in this area.
Choosing A Domain Name & Web Host
When choosing a name, make sure that you have a short, catchy, and easy name.
No pressure, right?
Now, this of course may be a bit difficult.
As you probably will to be the only one who has thought of that catchy name for your domain name.
Be willing to have several back up names just in case the the one you choose has already been taken.
Setting Up Web Hosting
How to Start a Blog with Bluehost - Crambler
In order to make money with your blog, and to really monetize the website, you will need a web hosting service.
Now, it is TRUE you do not NEED to own the website to make money. You can still make money as an affiliate marketer. You can use the website as a means to offer an affiliate offer and make money.
So, with this technique, if you have NO MONEY — but want to create a website to promote an affiliate offer — this is a good option.
However, owning your own website, by working with a web hosting service, will allow you to monetize the website through ad services such as Google Adsense.
I cannot speak highly enough of BlueHost. They are without a doubt MY FAVORITE Web Hosting. I wrote an in-depth article on why I consider BlueHost to be perhaps the best web hosting company to work with.
Or you can register with BlueHost (this is an affiliate link) HERE.
Start With WordPress
WordPress is without a doubt the best option when creating a blog.
Not only does WordPress offer a plethora of themes, but the number of people that visit blogs powered by WordPress are over 20 BILLION!!!!!!!
WordPress is hands down the best option for anyone looking to create a blog.
Focus On Pinterest
Pinterest! Pinterest! My God! Pinterest!
Pinterest goes with a blog like peanut butter goes with jelly.
Can I get AMEN?
But all joking aside.
Pinterest and blogging go hand and hand.
If you do not have the money to pay for ads and you do not have the money to pay for blogging experts to help you out, then I highly recommend that you give Pinterest a look.
Pinterest has over 200 million unique visitors a month.
If that isn’t reason enough than I don’t know what is.
Join Tailwind Tribes
Tailwind is going to be your blog’s STEROID INJECTION.
Okay, maybe not the best analogy, but if you are looking to really skyrocket your blog and take it to the next level then I cannot speak highly enough of Tailwind.
What this is a place where you will find people who are also content creator (bloggers) and who are looking to re-pin one another’s pins.
Joining, what they call tribes, will not only get more views, and thus more readers to your blog, but you will also be able to form potential new partnerships.
This is easily one of the best ways to skyrocket your blog traffic.
Collect Emails
Collecting emails is SO necessary. I made the amateurish move of NOT collecting emails. And one for one week my website gained MASSIVE TRAFFIC.
All of which I have now lost.
It is very important to get as many emails as possible because that is how you will get your blogs out there, as well as create a strong community.
Answer Questions On Quora (Also Join Quora Spaces)
Writing out your blog is but one step of few. Simply blogging and NOT promoting the blog WILL NOT DRIVE YOU TRAFFIC.
And I know how many of you think.
Because I thought the same way.
If I blog people will come and see it.
This “If You Build It They Will Come” mentality does not work in today’s online blogging world.
You will need to promote your blog. And aside form Pinterest, Quora is a GREAT way to drive traffic to your blog.
Answering question on Quora not only places your blog out there for MILLIONS to see, but using Quora will also help give you new ideas for your blog.
Running out of ideas for content is one of the major reasons many blogs fail.
Quora Space
In addition to this you will want to sign up to Quora Spaces. These are great places to post your articles for thousands of people to read.
Apply For Google Adsense
To start monetizing your blog, (taking into consideration you may not be doing affiliate marketing) one of the best ways to monetize your blog is via Ads.
And one of the best Ad Services out there is Google Adsense.
Mind you, applying to Ad Services will take around 2 to 3 weeks.
So, don’t go in their with the idea that you can start a blog and IMMEDIATELY apply for Ads for your website.
That is not how it works — and often times if you apply for services like Google or any other reputable ads agency you will be rejected.
One ay to make sure that you are NOT rejected is to fill your blog with at least 10 blogs. This will show Google Adsense that you are legit a blogger.
And you may want to schedule the blogs throughout the course of the month.
Maybe every day or very other day.
After about a month, then would be a good time to apply for Google Adsense.