How To Do Affiliate Marketing With Facebook Groups?

With Facebook groups you have two options:
Option 1: Run your own Facebook group
Option 2: Use already existing Facebook groups
Now lets dive into these two options further

Option 1: Run your own Facebook group
Creating your own Facebook group around a certain topic can help you with affiliate marketing.
Choose to either create a Facebook group around a specific niche or just around the one affiliate marketing offer.
If for example you choose to become a Bluehost affiliate(which is all about having a website). You could either have a Facebook group where you are only ever going to be promoting the one offer or a few different offers that is all about Wordpress, web development and web design.
If you are going to host your own Facebook group, then you need to have a action plan and be consistent in delivering high quality content. By being consistent and using targeted keywords in your posts, description and group name then you will attract the right people.
Option 2: Use already existing Facebook groups
This is by far my favourite way to do affiliate marketing on Facebook.
  1. Find groups with your target market on.
Going back to the example of a Bluehost affiliate, you will want to look for groups with people in who have their own business. Now you just need to focus on what type of people such as mums or people in a certain area such as UK.
Type into the search bar this specific niche ie “Mums in Biz UK”
Or if you know they follow a specific guru then find a group that is by that guru.
  1. Be active and build relationships.
When you have joined a group, do not be QUIET! You want to be an active participant and show off your expertise in the area. By doing this you will get noticed and so when you make a comment on a post people will respond and ask for further clarification.
On asking for further clarification, take the conversation off the post by doing a friend request and continuing the conversation on the private inbox.
After you have given them the useful information and they are happy, next it is time to create a pitch.
  1. Pitch them.
Now you have built that know, like and trust factor with your new friend you can introduce them to your offer.
Tell your new friend that you have a blog or video that goes further into the topic you have had a conversation about and here is a link to it if you want to view/read it.
Introduce you new friend to the offer that can help them to achieve X. (Any offer must be 100% relevant to the help offered) Tell them how the offer can help them and the results that they got. If you have used the offer yourself and got results from it, boast about those, but REMEMBER to bring it back to how the offer will help your friend.